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Setting The Stage For Terrific Teeth: How To Avoid Bad Dental Habits In Children

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It can be difficult to wrestle a one year old down in order to get their teeth brushed, and it can be even more difficult to stop baby habits in order to make way for more adult behavior. However, it’s essential that parents begin a good oral health regimen with kids from the very first tooth. It sets the tone for dental health throughout childhood, and even into adult years. Here are some common mistakes that parents make and how you can avoid them in order to keep your kid’s teeth looking and feeling great. Read More»

Understanding Dental Nerve Blocks

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With the increases in dental comfort and techniques for applying anesthesia, many patients are more concerned about the injection of local anesthetic rather than the actual procedure they will be having. This makes sense, because if the anesthetic is applied correctly, you should feel almost nothing throughout the procedure. Knowing what to expect when you receive local anesthesia can make you more relaxed, thereby letting the numbing agent work faster and more efficiently. Read More»

Dental Anxiety: Psychological Techniques To Help Children

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Few children look forward to a visit to the dentist, but some kids suffer from serious dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is a serious problem that can affect your child’s health. In 2005, a British girl died of starvation because of an extreme fear of dentists. While this case was unusual, parents should look for ways to help their children overcome these anxieties, and many dentists recommend psychological techniques for kids before turning to sedation dentistry. Read More»

The TMI On TMJ: Symptoms And Relief For Your Temporomandibular Disorder

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Visiting your dentist twice a year for routine cleanings and exams is imperative for your underlying oral health. However, an estimated 10 million people suffer with discomfort in and around their mouth and jaw even with periodic exams and dental treatments. Known as TMJ, Temporomandibular disorder creates a popping and clicking of your jaw that can be painful if left untreated. In most cases, the causes of TMJ are not clear. Read More»

A Cosmetic Dentist In Naples For Bad Teeth

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Walking around without smiling is one of the things that many people do. It is not because they do not like smiling, but because they have dental conditions that they are embarrassed of. If you try not to show your teeth in public, there is a way that you can fix the problem. No matter how bad your teeth may look, a cosmetic dentist in Naples may be able to help you. Read More»