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Professional Teeth Bleaching: What To Expect During The Session

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Teeth whitening has become a popular option in attaining a brighter smile. Whiter teeth can boost your confidence and self-esteem. However, favorite drinks such as tea, coffee, and wine stain your teeth over time. 

Certain medications like antihistamines can also discolor your teeth. Thankfully, professional teeth bleaching restores your pearly whites. Here's what to expect during teeth whitening session.


For starters, a dentist needs to determine if you are the right candidate for teeth whitening. The expert will examine your dentition for any issues in your gums and teeth. If you have healthy gums and teeth, the dentist will go ahead and get you ready for the procedure. However, patients with the following issues don't qualify for teeth bleaching:

  • Gingivitis
  • Exposed teeth roots
  • Untreated cavities
  • Weak enamel
  • Crowns and veneers on teeth

Besides that, pregnant and breastfeeding moms aren't suitable for the process. Also, if you are allergic to hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, you shouldn't consider teeth bleaching. Dentists use these products to brighten your teeth.

Mouth Preparation

Once you meet health requirements, your dentist will place a customized gum protector or rubber dam on your mouth. Other dentists use retractors to keep your mouth open during teeth whitening treatment. The device helps ensure the bleaching agent only touches specific areas. 

Your gums will be safe from hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. In other circumstances, the expert will wipe your inner cheeks and lips with protection gel. 

Application Process

The next step is to apply peroxide to the stained teeth. The gel is more potent than typical at-home kits, and the results are exceptional. Therefore, careful application is necessary to avoid harming your gums and teeth. 

During the procedure, a dentist uses lasers to ensure your teeth whiten as they should. Laser light penetrates the enamel, encouraging depigmentation. Based on how bad your teeth are stained, the professional will use laser light for up to 30 minutes or more. The procedure might go on for up to one hour or more to achieve desired results.

Pieces of Advice

After teeth bleaching, your dentist offers valuable pieces of advice about how to take care of your dentition once you leave the clinic. For instance, you shouldn't consume food and drinks that cause teeth staining for at least 24 hours.

Also, avoid acidic foods because your teeth might be overly sensitive after bleaching. Eat chicken, fruits, and vegetables to restore minerals and vitamins to your system. Hydrate, and continue flossing and brushing to enjoy a glowing smile. 
